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A Sustainable Hotel?

A Sustainable Hotel?

A jungle resort back home in India. Credits: LanternStay Type that into Google and you will find a number of Top 10 websites with hotels from around the world offering exotic pictures for the carbon-guilty tourists. A decent website even mentioned the LED retrofits...
Teaching Sustainability: The Japanese model

Teaching Sustainability: The Japanese model

The Japanese model of sustainability. Picture credits: Quartz When half of the world is ruled by people who don’t understand global warming, we need to ensure that we raise the future generations with care for the environment. Of course it may be too late by the...

Is fast-fashion the real problem?

Credits: Alex Caban Today I came across multiple posters from our Extinction Rebellion Leeds on fast-fashion stores. I understand people’s love and hate for the fast-fashion retail chains- I love the cheap soft slippers I bought at Primark and the executive...

An ode to a green decade

  I found myself nearing the horizon of the decade, The brute glare forcing me to look back At the feats we’ve championed, yet I am dismayed.   Alas! Our success has come with a stark payback From our dear planet, Oh dear, what have we done, The floods and the...